I posted an application on paper to HMRC five months ago.
Today they sent an email saying that that particular department no longer accepts paper applications, asking me to send 'electronic copies' by email instead.
They had lovingly scanned every page of my original application and attached that to their email.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Yer pullin me leg! Surely..... Please......
Nope. I'm sure there are far worse examples.
I wonder if they print out those electronic versions when they receive them. Sounds daft but I wouldn't bet against daft in this case.
I always get the feeling that HMRC mourn the passing of quill pens and the invention of the typewriter.
AKH, probably :-)
B, they keep pushing more and more online stuff on the taxpayer. I do not know how much of that is bottom-up decisions by HMRC and is how much is top-down decisions taken by ministers who have taken bribes from software companies.
Mark, I suspect 100% the latter.
I’m with Bayard - 100% the latter fer shure!
I think - as MW has previously pointed out - HMRC are trying to make everyone 'workers', i.e. no employed / self employed, and then have all payments (wages or s/e invoices) paid via their servers where they deduct the tax and NIC and pay out the balance to the 'worker'. In theory this could be done.
Must link now.
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