I'd rather have left this alone. I wasn't going to join in with showing what a nice guy I am by doing an RIP. A woman with young children was murdered. That she's an MP and a representative of the people makes it worse. I felt pretty crappy about it, frankly.
Reading people then blaming it on the culture that's been around, though, well, that had me into a fit of rage. It's generally accepted that we don't do that. We don't try and make political capital. Even if we think something, we just don't try and score points. But as the likes of Polly Toynbee are trying to, it's time to weigh in.
It appears now that the murderer was a Nazi. Memorabilia found at his flat, records of him signing up for pro-Apartheid magazines and other nazi materials dating back to the 1990s.
So, let me ask this question: do we think that a nazi, someone buying stuff like this is more likely to have carried out this murder because of the sort of vague nods and winks about immigrants (and I'm not denying that some groups and sections of the press allude to things) or that Jo Cox was actively seeking to bring more immigrants into the country? The guy's a Nazi. You can't argue with Nazis that brown skinned people will come over here and do useful jobs, because Nazis don't care. They just don't want any brown skinned, Jewish or any other sort of foreigner around.
And please understand: if Jo Cox was trying to bring more Syrians here, she had every right to go to parliament and make the case. I wouldn't support that, but she certainly didn't deserve to be murdered for it. I'm just trying to address the argument of motive.
See, my problem with the argument going on is that there are people who simply want anyone who doesn't like immigration to be silenced. These are the people who spent years calling anyone who questioned it a racist. Anyone who then wanted less of them a racist. When the BNP appeared and made speeches, they supported their prosecutions. These people then saw political parties grow and complained about their existence while doing nothing to address the problems. And now, they've stooped to telling people that because they don't like immigrants, someone has been murdered.
I don't buy it for a second, and I think it's foul.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Never forget the Left are the body of people for whom the phrase 'The ends justifies the means' could have been purposely written. They will use anything, if it gets them what they want, which in this case is to smear the Leave campaign with the blood of a dead MP. They are utterly shameless.
Well said Mark
S, The Homeys are equally shameless.
SM, thanks but this was The Stigler's post.
We had someone bring an air pistol into the council customer service centre a couple of months back. It was the second security scare of the year. So now, we're not allowed downstairs to talk to the public without an panic alarm. And they've employed this ex-army hardcase to stand around looking menacing.
Compare and contrast with a MP's constituency surgery.
Worth noting that he apparently had a very close relationship with his brother who is mixed race.
I have lived in Leeds for 25 years and I have talked to a lot of ordinary people in that time. There is a lot of resentment in the north about industrial decline, uncontrolled immigration and how southerners get all the resources (the Leeds trolley bus scheme has just been cancelled AGAIN by central government), and white middle aged men like Mair are often the most resentful as nobody really cares about them at all, they are the most ignored group in society.
Whilst most people will be upset that the MP died and that it probably shouldn't have been her, I wouldn't be surprised if there is is a lot of unexpressed sympathy with Mair as well, as somebody who simply couldn't take it any longer. I remember about 15 years ago, I knew a perfectly sane, decent acquaintance who suddenly expressed sympathy with the BNP one night. He wasn't a nutcase, he was just fed up.
RT et al. Shades of Michael Douglas, 'Falling Down'?
Rich Tee,
I dunno. I think people will write him off as a nutter.
But I thoroughly recommend John Harris' article where he went out and spoke to people about Remain and Brexit and read the numbers. People from the lower socioeconomic groups that vote Labour are overwhelmingly voting for out. If UKIP got their act together (fired Farage, put someone who can run a party in charge) they'd have a good chance of taking large chunks of the North.
I've always said that UKIP will end up a left of centre patriotic type party, maybe even the main party of opposition on the Left rather than the semi-libertarian, semi-right wing fogey type thing it is seen as today. Its already moving leftwards, talking about higher public spending on 'our NHS' etc. As said, it just needs a different leader and a change of emphasis and it could clean up the rotten Labour boroughs in the North. Scotland has shown what happens when a party takes its original core vote for granted, and I think Labour's Northern voters are similarly placed - they're just waiting for a Left wing party they can vote for that doesn't appear to hate both its own voters and the entire country as well. When that appears they'll be gone.
S, the stigler pointed out that UKIP ran two separate manifestos at the last election, the northern left wing one and the southern right wing one. As you say, they ought to make up their minds....
Sobers - A National Socialist Democratic Workers' Party, perhaps? It is not looking pretty and the background is similar - cowardly and incompetent democratic politicians in denial all the way across the political spectrum.
Well I'd hope that there could be a Left wing party that both stood up for its core vote and wanted the best for the entire country, without it descending into a NSDWP, but the longer the current Leftist crew keep hammering away at destroying the country with mass immigration, the greater the chance that the pendulum will swing too far in the opposite direction.
The country is not being destroyed by mass immigration: that is just Nazi propaganda.None of the Syrians on Farage's poster will get here thanks to EU policy , though they are fleeing for their lives and the Germans see them as well-educated productive resource.The fact is, apropos Jo Cox, that the Brexit campaign relies on anti-immigrant hatred. Mair was speaking for many with his "Death to traitors" (Like the gentle Jo Cox) "Freedom for Britain"
from those who see labour mobility by EU nationals as not a problem.
"The country is not being destroyed by mass immigration"
Corbyn was on the Andrew Marr show today and stated that there was no upper limit to immigration, and he was quite happy with that.
DBC, people refuse to understand the more subtle points about EU corporatism, so the leavers go for the lowest common denominator, fair enough, say I.
@MW Fair enough? Leaver Farage goes for the lowest common denominator and encourages Tommy Mair with Freedom for Britain rhetoric, up against a poster of Syrian refugees, fleeing for their lives( as if they were mobile European labour!)
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