"Government blames unemployment rise on BREXIT fears."
So, nothing to do with the introduction of the Living Wage and employers compulsory pension auto enrolment contributions then? Both of which are the government's fault and both of which increase payroll costs for employers leading to less employment.
Death really is too good for them.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
As Henry Ford discovered, by accident apparently, putting up wages increases takings. Post-war this was generally understood. Post Thatcher ....
Well spotted. Georgon Osbrown is renowned for this a good news is to his credit and bad news is somebody else's fault. If he can engage in Project Fear that's a bonus.
Funny though isn't it...the things employers seem to complain about the most [including those mentioned) have nothing to do with EU directives/regulations.
DBCR. What HF discovered was mass production - the application of capital to labour to make it more efficient and productive. The higher (than other businesses employees) wages followed that. It did not cause it.
@L Ford did not discover mass production! It was already being used in British Admiralty yards and American armaments factories and was known as the "armory system" in the US .Being uncharitable to Ford , it has been said he raised wages to $5.00 dollars for an eight-hour day (from $2.34 for a nine-hour day) to curb the wastage of workers quitting because they couldn't stand the repetition. But he said in his 1926 book "Today and Tomorrow" "The owner ,the employees and the buying public are all one and the same," and an industry has " to keep wages high and prices low ..otherwise it limits the number of its customers.One's own employees ought to be one's own best customers" This seems to show the right spirit.
All a far cry from the infamous Leeds Question Time before the last election (disaster) when poor Ed Miliband had to contend with economic illiterates from the world of small business and smaller minds , who thought governments should help them exploit people, one estate agent complaining that if he couldn't employ his workers on zero hours contracts he couldn't stay in business.To which Ed should have said "Fuck off then, if you can't contribute to the national wage fund that provides the demand that keeps the economy moving.You are free riding on good employers who do keep money in circulation".
Please give some facts , figures, quotes and worked examples if you reply. I am tired of your unsupported assertions and arrogant dismissive approach.
Lola, you should know by now that everything that goes wrong is either the fault of Brexit fears or Global Warming.
"economic illiterates from the world of small business and smaller minds , who thought governments should help them exploit people,"
not to mention economic illiterates from the world of small business and smaller minds, who think governments are there to help them with handouts. "If I don't get this concession/grant/subsidy I'll be out of business". They too should be told to go forth and multiply in the same fashion, but sadly too often they are not.
DBCR. So you agree with me then? Ford raised his wages to keep his staff turnover down. He applied capital to labour and 'refined' mass production. (I am fully aware that standardised production pre dated Ford, in the Springfield armory for example.). I also know the quote that (paraphrased) the employee should be able to buy the product. That latter is absolutely true nowadays, pretty well everything having got cheaper and better thanks to competition, capitalism, entrepreneurialism and free markets.
The trouble is son, you are blinded by your own prejudice and it is you who refuses to see what's in front of you.
And you also full well know that we do not have a low wage problem. We have a high rent high tax problem.
In re 'governments helping small business exploit people', no. You have clearly never ever run or owned a small business. Have you ever worked in one? You also know full well that there is a lot of rent seeking going on, largely encouraged by governments, notably in Blair/new labour tenure.
Oh and Milliband has absolutely no clue. But then neither has Osborne.
@DBC Reed: "As Henry Ford discovered...putting up wages increases takings."
No, he realised that he had to produce a product at a price that his employees could afford. That's a big difference. He was also working in the context of the roaring 20s - which ended in the Great Depression - Thatcher and Reagan were working in the context of the stagflation and economic decline of the 1970s.
@L I ask you to be less dismissive and you call me patronisingly "son".I am 72. And I have been much involved in the private sector - to my cost!
My only consolation is that market forces cultists are all hellbound , according to the Pope in Evangelii Gaudium 2013 where he accuses them of "deifying" market forces and "sacralising" the various fiddles. Here he addresses your main article of faith "We can no longer trust in the unseen forces and invisible hand of the market."
DBCR. OK, I'll stop calling you son.
So, sonny, still getting it arse about face then? :-)
His Holiness is confused about what 'market forces' actually are. he needs to re-acquaint Himself with the 10 Commandments.
So, as regards to your private sector involvement 'at your cots' you couldn't compete then?
There is no 'cult' in 'market forces'. There can be no cult of liberty. It just is. It's the fundamental value that underpins all other values. Sonny.
Only I'm allowed to profane like that ;-D
I love the banter here.... keep it up chaps.
DBCR. Oh dear. Toys out of the pram then? Can't take a joke? Doing a Tony Benn (renowned for shouting balls/bollocks when he was losing/lost an argument).
Sonny, you really need to get your sense of humour bone in gear. You were being wound up - and you fell for it.
And your arguments are STILL wrong.
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