Via MBK, The Times on stomach churning top form:
Runaway house prices are forcing hundreds of thousands of middle-class families into the hands of rogue landlords, a study has found.
More than 200,000 households earning more than £30,000 a year are renting homes with a “category 1” hazard, which can include rat infestations, unsafe electrics, cold and damp, according to a report by the Citizens Advice charity and the New Policy Institute think tank.
Almost 130,000 of these households earn more than £40,000, suggesting that the blight of rogue landlords is not exclusive to those at the bottom of the social ladder…
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Here's a link to the report from Citizens Advice
Reminds me of a line in a report in a Portuguese newspaper of a train disaster, seen many years ago by a friend "Fortunately, only third-class passengers were killed" (and no, that was not a mistranslation of the Portuguese).
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