There was no overall majority in the first round...
Which is your preferred option?
Full independence for Scotland outside the UK - 41%
Abolish the Scottish Parliament and scrap devolution - 29%
"Devolution Max" - 13%
Stick with the status quo - 7%
Other, please specify - 10%
... so the two most popular options go through to the final round (as explained last week).
Cast your vote here or use the widget in the sidebar. To make it more like a proper referendum, I've removed the "view" button and disallowed comments.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Assuming these answers are on a continuum, my preferred voting system (median voter) would have picked Devo max.
RA, I put the original options in a continuum. The results are in order of how popular, it turns out the two most popular were the two extremes and "sticking with status quo" was the least popular.
Yes, it's one of the conclusions of the Hotelling model that FPTP favours "extremists".
If political shennagians were put aside, the Scots would plump for the maximum devolution option. Clearly Salmond though is trying to manipulate towards full independence.
RA, what is the Hotelling model? By the way, this poll wasn't FPTP, there was a preliminary round and I said at the start, if no option gets 50%+, then the most popular two go through to the next one. That seems fair enough to me.
ASIPPI, I was about to delete your comment when I saw your moniker, only at the last second did I notice it was a genuine comment not spam. Apart from that, agreed, if I were Scottish, I'd probably vote for Devo Max as well.
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