Her Indoors and I went to see this musical this afternoon, and I must confess to having thoroughly enjoyed nearly every minute of it (it knocks spots off the film) except for the bit at the end where they keep doing curtain calls, coming back onstage and doing another song, final round of applause, then they come back onstage and do another bow and so on ad nauseam, this ritual did drag on rather.
Where fish walk around on land
1 hour ago
Curtain calls: And therein lies why I do not like 'live' theatre - they must have caught the practise from, party conferences!
The general principle of 'good show'; 'we've thanked you'; 'now bugger off' holds true for both genres.....?
one is enough. just to acknowledge the audience
Any more is grandstanding ( and/or planned which is worse)
Plus comedians should not do encores
WFW, I try to avoid standing up for standing ovulations as well. I've paid for my seat and I'm going to use it. And I don't clap along or sing along.
PC, I didn't know comedians did encores. That's awful.
There was once an award-winning satirical film in which practically
the entire running-time was taken up with the credits : the performers painting their names on the wall at the back and engaging in wild attention-seeking behaviour.As the medieval theologians said: actors are a bit odd.
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