Tuesday 11 October 2011

"A bull walks into a pub..."

Spotted by View From The Solent (who still doesn't have a blog) at Sky News:

Drinkers relaxing in a pub in the Irish Republic were shocked when a bull decided to join them.

"The bull managed to escape from the farmers' cattle market," the landlord of the Porter House pub Cyril Rafferty told Sky News Online ""It came down the back alleyway into the delivery area and managed to get into the pub. It was a shock to all of us!"

It is not reported whether the bull then popped in to the china shop next door.


Dick Puddlecote said...

That story had MW written all over it when I saw it this morning. It left some bull sh** to add to that spouted by the daily regulars, I understand? ;)

dearieme said...

".. from the farmers' cattle market..": as opposed to the other one?