You are a surprisingly unbloodthirsty lot. The results to last week's Fun Online Show Trial By Internet were as follows:
News Of The World: Who deserves to go to prison? (multiple answers allowed)
Rebekah Brooks - 77 votes
Andy Coulson - 64 votes
James Murdoch - 53 votes
Rupert Murdoch - 51 votes
Les Hinton - 32 votes
Other - please specify - 20 votes
They are all entirely innocent - 34 votes
Total 130 voters
I'll accept majority verdicts, so it looks like only Brooksy is going down for this. Thanks to everybody who voted and for all the comments over at the poll - those people who chose 'other' nominated mainly policemen on the take, MPs in general and G Brown, T Blair and J Prescott in particular (which seems fair enough, but we could put them in the dock for plenty of other stuff as well).
And lo, there was some dispute as to whether P!nk counts as a "Female Jewish pop star who is extremely cute" (two for, one against, so i couldn't use my casting vote) so let's throw it open to the floor.
Deadline for nominations (same thread) is now closed, this week's Fun Online Poll is "Who is the cutest female Jewish pop star?", whereby "Jewish", "cute" and "pop star" are all highly subjective.
Vote here or use the widget in the sidebar.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Wot no Amy Winehouse? (gets coat)
PC, nope.
I had no idea that half those people were Jewish. Do people still care about this?
How does Paula Abdul manage to be Jewish with a surname like "Abdul"?
I'll get me coat.
TM, Wiki says both Paula's parents were Jewish (amzingly) but I ruled her out for non-cuteness, plus everybody only gets one nomination (so from Tim's list I took Melanie Blatt).
Paula Abdul's father was a Syrian Jew, apparently. I had always put her down as a very light-skinned "black".
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