From The Daily Mail (our new weekend paper of choice as it has the best weekly TV guide):
Take a short trip on the metro to [Athens'] cooler northern suburbs, and you will find an enclave of staggering opulence. Here, in the suburb of Kifissia, amid clean, tree-lined streets full of designer boutiques and car showrooms selling luxury marques such as Porsche and Ferrari, live some of the richest men and women in the world...
One of the reasons [the inhabitants] are so rich is that rather than paying millions in tax to the Greek state, as they rightfully should, many of these residents are living entirely tax-free. Along street after street of opulent mansions and villas, surrounded by high walls and with their own pools, most of the millionaires living here are, officially, virtually paupers.
How so? Simple: they are allowed to state their own earnings for tax purposes, figures which are rarely challenged. (1) And rich Greeks take full advantage. Astonishingly, only 5,000 people in a country of 12 million admit to earning more than £90,000 a year — a salary that would not be enough to buy a garden shed in Kifissia... (2)
With Greek President George Papandreou calling for a crackdown on these tax dodgers — who are believed to cost the economy as much as £40bn a year (3) — he is now resorting to bizarre means to identify the cheats. After issuing warnings last year, government officials say he is set to deploy helicopter snoopers, along with scrutiny of Google Earth satellite pictures, to show who has a swimming pool in the northern suburbs — an indicator, officials say, of the owner’s wealth.
Officially, just over 300 Kifissia residents admitted to having a pool. The true figure is believed to be 20,000. There is even a boom in sales of tarpaulins to cover pools and make them invisible to the aerial tax inspectors. (4) ‘The most popular and effective measure used by owners is to camouflage their pool with a khaki military mesh to make it look like natural undergrowth,’ says Vasilis Logothetis, director of a major swimming pool construction company. ‘That way, neither helicopters nor Google Earth can spot them.’(5)
But faced with the threat of a crackdown, money is now pouring out of the country into overseas tax havens such as Liechtenstein, the Bahamas and Cyprus. (6)
1) Yes, getting people to declare their incomes honestly is difficult, and even if they did, a tax on incomes still has huge dead weight costs...
2) ... but working out the value of land that people own is relatively simple.
3) The DM confuse 'cost to the economy' with 'the government collecting less in tax than you'd expect' and use the "s" word, but hey.
4) They haven't learned the lessons of the Window Tax. It's entirely unnecessary to know exactly what is built on any plot of land to work out the location value of the land to within a tolerable margin of error (certainly by Greek standards), it doesn't matter whether an individual house has a swimming pool or not (and if you wish to make swimming pool owners pay more in tax, then it's easier to slap a tax on mains water usage).
5) Most pictures on Google Earth are several years old, it's too late to try and camouflage your swimming pool now.
6) So what? A lot of that money will come flowing back to pay the LVT bills, won't it? And if not, the Greek can recover the tax arrears by selling off the plots of non-payers or renting them out. Which, coincidentally is more or less the opposite of their plan to sell off even more state-owned land.
But no doubt, all these millionaires will manage to track down a Poor Widow or two to use as a human shield: surely it's far more important to allow them to live out their days in peace than try to plug the budget deficit or anything?
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Hi Mark,
Are you writing to Mr Papandreou with a papers on how LVT works and that LVT will save the euro and the european fianncial system ?
Eurosceptics such as Daniel Hannan think I'm talking double dutch when I claim that the Euro isn't the root cause of Europe's financial crisis.
But no amount monetary tomfoolery will fix Greece's problems all the time her citizens want to spend like Marxists and simultaneously live in a tax haven. It's impossible to reconcile those opposable forces, unless you bring in LVT that is.
Btw, did Pricedout get back to you?
Anon, good idea. Fred Harrison toddled off to Russia fifteen years ago with a bunch of Nobel economics prize winners to explain how to ease the shift to a free market economy and were given the shortest of short shrifts, resulting in the mess they are in now. But it must be worth a try.
CD, yes thanks, I shall be there or be square.
Trouble is we are all hypocrites.
America is no different to Greece. It is just more powerful and has more power to command wealth. The bigger robber. All other countries are somewhere between including the UK. Same will happen if things proceed unchanged. The political organisation is not important.
It's like the Monopoly Game: who will be the last one standing. They will sweep up... then go down themselves.
Private property in land is the primary social organisation of the whole world. That is NOT a game.
I reckon our job today is like CD says:
How do you get the mass of people to start to think?
Before we end up like Rome.
Is it just coincidence that large parts of the suburb are obscured by clouds on google earth? nobody would want to hide anything would they.
Anon, I did wonder about that. Maybe all the swimming pool owners turned the temperature up to 'boiling' on the day that Google were due to download satellite images?
But of the bits you can still see, about one house in three has a swimming pool (assuming that the pale blue rectangles are swimming pools).
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