From The Telegraph:
A woman is recovering in hospital after having her thumb and part of one of her breasts chewed off when she was attacked by her pet zebra, according to reports...
Ms Mhidza told the New Zimbabwe website that her family had kept the zebra as a pet for a decade after taking it in as an orphaned foal and deciding to keep it alongside their herd of cattle. The creature had always been calm until it turned on its owner after she stepped in to stop it attacking a cow.
"We were shocked last week when the zebra bit one of the cows in the hind quarters as they were grazing," she said. "The cow bled profusely and later died. On Sunday last week, it attacked another cow. Instinctively, I threw a brick at it."
The zebra then abandoned the cow and charged at Ms Mhidza. Worried neighbours managed to scare the animal away after the incident. Wildlife officials later arrived at the scene and destroyed it.
Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management spokeswoman Caroline Washaya-Moyo told New Zimbabwe it was not sensible to try to domesticate a wild animal.
Q - what's black and white and eats like a horse?
A - a zebra.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
I wouldn't worry too much about the cows, they are merely the grunts of the animal world (or is that the pigs? Nevermind..).
You need to watch out for the primates; cheeky little buggers are training up an airforce:
I'm beginning to think all these cow stories on the news feeds have just been put about by yourself.
You're making them up!
WV- NOMATES , how depressing is that?
JM, did that have a 'Warning: cute picture' tag?
BQ, no I'm not. And I'm not training up the animals to do this either, in case you're wondering.
We blogged on an elk murdering a woman in Sweden a couple of years ago. To be fair to elks in general the one responsible for the murder was drunk having gorged on windfall apples that had fermented on the ground.
We have also featured drunken badgers, suicide squirrels and mice of mouse destruction.
Yes, I understand zebras like a good munch on a boob.
BB, so did I. That was either the greatest alibi ever, or her husband was having an affair with the elk.
JH, do they? That's alarming.
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