Her Indoors took the kids to see this last week, but they talked me into taking them again today.
The animation and 3-D effects were awesome, but you're sort of used to that by now. I was warned that grown men cry at the end, and must report that my eyes prickled a bit when Lotso The Bear welcomed them to the Sunnyside Daycare centre (before he turned out to be a megalomaniac dictator); a bit more when the toys thought they were going to be incincerated and all held hands; and when Andy handed over his collection to Bonnie (pronounced 'Barney' in the film, heck knows why) a big fat tear rolled down each of my cheeks.
Luckily that scene is about five or ten minutes before the end, so there is time to compose yourself again before you leave the cinema.
So Called Auditors
1 hour ago
Aw, dat's sweeeeet.
The middle one made my eyes the most damp.
Glad it wasn't just me then.
In fact it was the final farewell as Andy drove off thta got me the most.
Made the kid I was with sit through the outtakes, as 'they are funny' just to give the face time ot dry.
In fact there were a lot of grown men complaining about how dusty it was when they came out.
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