Re Sundays Top Gear where Clarkson made some comments about the exposed underwear of a Burqua wearer:-
"By Monday morning, seven viewers had already contacted the BBC to complain. Several viewers posted messages criticising the comments on Twitter, including Lily Allen, the singer, who called his remarks “distasteful”.
In other words about 8 people plus various blog commenters and daft Twitterati didn't like what Clarkson and Co said. This is compared to the estimated 350 MILLION viewers worldwide.
So I think we can safely ignore Lily Bloody Allen then. Prat.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Oh, well, clearly Lily Allen is the Miss Manners for the Noughties...
Not for nothing are devotees of Twitter more accurately referred to as "Twatterati". Or maybe I'm just getting old and grumpy. (Me??)
Either way, I suspect the Thoughts of Lily Allen can be summarised quite easily in 140 characters. Simultaneously.
L, it strikes me that the event which JC claimed to have seen is so unlikely that it is probably true. Actually, I'm with R Hammond on this one, young lasses in short skirts are a danger to traffic.
Lily Allen's main positive point is that she is less irritating than her father.
I think we can always ignore Lily Nepotism
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