Compiled by Ralphonomics:
* The Labour goverment has given £18 million of taxpayers’ money to the trade union Unite (and its predecessors Amicus & TGWU) over the last decade, supposedly for “training”.
* Unite has given the Labour Party £30 million over the last decade (see previous link).
* Only 34% of Unite members say they vote Labour, see page 5 here.
* Only 31% of Unite members agree that the union should make big donations to the Labour Party in future, see page 21 of previous link.
* The views of Unite members on whether the union should continue to accept taxpayers' money is not known.
Turnips on the menu
5 hours ago
Should that not read that Unite have given £12 million of union money and £18 million of Taxes payers money to the Labour party over the last decade?
A, I suppose it should.
If I were a Unite member (dread thought!) I might be pondering the fact that the union could have said 'stuff you' to the Labour party, forgone any 'modernisation fund' money, and still have been £12m better off.
Money which could have been spent on the actual union members. Bursaries, cheap loans, legal help, educational grants etc etc. Instead it went to a load of middle class w*nkers playing at being politicians who p*ssed it up a wall on media advisors, consultants and ad men.
It's redistribution of wealth but in reverse!! Taking it from the lower paid working classes and giving it to the expense account middle classes. The founding fathers of the Labour Movement must be spinning like tops in their graves.
Tempted to build an online app which helps you to create a political levy opt-out letter. Anyone know what needs to be in it?
And, to raise £700k, Unite has just imposed a fundraising levy of approximately £230 on each branch.
Mrs R
(not logged in)
It seems to me that the union management have been running the union for their own power games, rather than the interests of their members.
Unions should be running pensions schemes rather than trying to destroy businesses.
No worse than what they gave to Common Purpose.
A scandal that will end after the election.
Crown, the Tories have quite clearly said that they will continue this charade.
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