On a very high turnout (thanks to everybody who took part, as ever), the responses to "Greenwich Mean Time versus British Summer Time. Should we..." were as follows:
Try leaving the clocks at GMT all year round - 34%
Try leaving the clocks at BST all year round - 28%
Stick with the current system - 28%
Not bothered - 6%
Other. Please specify. - 5%
Which looks like a slender majority (or is that 'a slender minority'?) in favour of sticking with GMT all year round. I voted for BST all year round as I am a late riser, so anything else is a complete waste of sunlight as far as I am concerned, but this is a democracy and I shall consider myself bound by that once I'm in charge. However, I reserve the right to revisit it after we've had a year or two of solid GMT and seen how it pans out.
This week's Fun Online Poll, inspired by DBC Reed, comment 2 on this thread at HousePriceCrash, asks "Would you vote for a party which has the manifesto aim of making house prices affordable again?", which is the number one campaign issue of this nutter.
Vote here or use the widget in the sidebar.
Mr Musk’s unusual demand
2 hours ago
"I shall consider myself bound by that once I'm in charge."
Like hell you will 'sunshine' - the people have spoken! Majority rules!
Nothing wrong these days in holding repeated referenda until you get the result you want ;-)
Or just plain old break your promise?
I'm happy for house prices to fall once I have cashed-in the 250% "profit" from 16 years of owning FatBigot Towers. After all, you did it with Wadsworth Castle, so why shouldn't I? Once the cash is in the bank I'm with you all the way.
I voted yes, although if Brown had not dicked around with the BOE and interest rate setting policy the housing market would not be in this mess.
How would UKIP make house prices affordable?
WFW, the chosen option was not "Leave clocks at GMT" it was "Try leavings clocks at GMT", with the emphasis on the word "try".
JP, we'll certainly "try" it, that's not the issue.
TFB, if you want to cash in, then you'd better do it soon.
C, UKIP don't particularly focus on the issue of house prices.
Other - make it 2 hours DST.
JH, sorry I missed that one off but I doubt that many would have voted for it. As to second comment, I have replied at yours.
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