Adam Collyer highlights yet another instance of the Warmenists taking the piss.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Adam Collyer highlights yet another instance of the Warmenists taking the piss.
My latest blogpost: "Climategate – Now It’s Just Getting Silly"Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Corruption, Global cooling, Lies, Quangocracy
MW, I thought you'd given up on the climate sham:
"all the work has been done"
See here for more "science". As you can see science is about discovering the truth from both induction and deduction. Its a never ending activity.
Unfortunately, it has become only the second political science in history and you seem to be helping that along nicely:
The Science of Political Ecology
My god! These people!
We should have an immediate inquiry... I wonder if Al Gore is free?
Speaking of inquiries...
I see the Bloody Sunday Inquiry report has been delayed again. Labour's reform of the House of Lords, the BS Inquiry, child poverty etc etc... do they ever finish anything they start?
Thanks for the link. You will be pleased to know that as a result my blog today more than doubled its record for daily page views.
RS, I'm not rising to the bait.
JP, of course not, the quangocrats can earn more by dragging it out for ever.
AC, my pleasure, t'was a good spot. I'm surprised they were that blatant about it, is all.
MW, why not rise. What are you afraid of?
RS, I am afraid of getting bogged down in a long and futile argument about something completely irrelevant about which neither of us knows very much, apart from I know, for a fact, that it is mainly lies and exaggeration, and you still give it some credence.
"about which neither of us knows very much"
"I know, for a fact, that it is mainly lies and exaggeration"
You cant have it both ways... Is it getting bogged down, or something else ? Have I hit the spot perhaps?
I'm not trying to support or deny anything. I'm asking that we all examine the simple facts carefully and without prejudice. The posts here are appear politically founded, the logic and science not being considered with good reason.
Of course there are lies in the science. It is a political science, my point! Founded on economic special interest. Much is the same for the land debate. The psychology is identical.
RS: " I'm asking that we all examine the simple facts carefully and without prejudice."
I have done. I have always taken an interest in the topic, and until two or three years ago, I still 'believed'. I have since realised that it is mainly lies. I can't be bothered examining the same old nonsense again and again, and coming to the conclusion that it is still mainly lies.
Mark, me too, exactly. I will remain a sceptic until someone explains to me why, when twice in the relatively recent past (Romans in Britain and Viking periods) the climate was considerably warmer than it is now, i) none of the currently prophesied catastrophic effects actually happened and ii) how the temperature managed to get so high without any help from man-made CO2.
bayard and MW:
Are you telling us that the vikings could measure average global temperatures ? Or are you saying that the core science is based on local temperatures ? The other allusions are all explained fully, multiple times across the web. You only need to look to see.
The point you make even the original deniers now accept is dissonance. There are loads of examples of this, all of which this forum seems to focus on, but conveniently go on to ignore the core science. Have we only read what makes us feel comfortable ?
But who cares anyway, true or not, its the economy that is the structural cause of the monstrous pollution and waste. Why waste time protecting yourselves?
Of course there are lies. Are you willing to accept this occurs at the margins of the science, and on both sides, for political and economic BUT not scientific reasons?
I only that you focus on that and ignore the politics and special interest.
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