These Christmas crackers, handmade in Dorset, are environmentally friendly and the perfect accessory for any table this Christmas. The packaging also doubles up as a postage box so you can send them through the post as an alternative gift. Each cracker contains a packet of Seeds, a hat made from recycled paper, an environmental message about the planet and of course a bang!
£12.50 for six.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Wow, a surefire hit!
I've ordered a score gross. When they arrive I'm off down the market to sell 'em.
Doesn't a "bang" count as encouraging children that violence is not only acceptable, but fun?
Surely a more acceptable thing would be to perhaps have a miniature wind chime enclosed in each, which would allow peoples chakras to become better aligned?
I really need to start thinking of how to make money of eco loons, as opposed to just laughing at them.
If only they didn't have the eco message!
I worry about the state of my mind sometimes... I saw "environmental message about the planet" and "a bang" and immediately thought about "freebies" in Copenhagen! :-)
Pass me the sick bag...
RCN, you could become a millionaire that way. If you start off as a multi-millionaire, of course.
OC, exactly.
S, yup. £2 for a packet of seeds. bargain.
Pogo, re Copenhagen, it gives a whole new meaning to "media whores".
L, the packaging even doubles as a handy sick-bag. What's not to like?
Remind me to avoid them.
Sharon at Tesco won't sell to you since they 'might' contain gunpowder and you 'might' share them with young persons contrary to various nineteenth century Explosives Acts.
Huh! That's the only "Bang" I'm likely to get all year!!
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