Uganda debates death penalty for gays
I wonder whether the CiF crowd have already done their Victimhood Poker ... and realised that 'African' or 'Black' trumps 'gay', so somebody else must be to blame. See also Jamaica's homophobia is the fault of Brit slave-owners if you think I'm joking.
UPDATE: John B (in the comments) plays the winning VP hand - the blame for all this lies fairly and squarely with American Right-Wingers.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
This is a thought provoking issue for me.
I don't know about Uganda but I would guess a certain amount of the homophobia in Jamaica comes from the sort of old time (1950s) type Christianity that I am fairly sure they have there.
But at the same time, I am sure that their version of religion there is a force for social good - apart from if you're gay of course.
At the same time I don't support going around forcing other people in other countries to accept our social norms, the sort of bombing people for wimmins rights that the neocons favour. If Tatchell wants to have a go, fine, but I'm not interested.
So, if its all happening in Johnny Foreigner land, why should I care?
I care when it becomes a problem over here.
If it were true that old time Christianity had an influence on making the sons of African and West Indian (this applies to others as well no doubt) immigrants less likely to commit crime in general then that would be a good thing for the population in general - apart from TheGays who they still wouldn't like.
So, it comes down to, if one minority wins, another minority loses.
That is multiculturalism for you I suppose.
If you want to have a country where gays are not victimised its best not import vast numbers of people whose culture inclines in that direction.
Or, you could have a strongly Christian culture and tell the gays to do what they do behind closed doors.
Or, you could have the present mess.
I could probably offended millions with this post. Its the sort of thing that normally gets me into trouble.
In actual fact, rather than just VP, the US religious far-right is a major force behind the Uganda initiative: see this investigative piece from the local press.
(and no, that doesn't in any sense excuse the deluded local bastards who support it from their share of the blame).
I am anonymous1
That's an interesting link John B.
I remember bringing this up once before on an internet discussion site and people immediately jumping to the conclusion that US Fundies were behind it all.
My experience was in the West Indies.
I had no reason to think US Fundies were involved where I was, but rather, our (UK) version of Christianity had changed and the West Indian version hadn't.
So, I await proof that I am wrong even though you may be right where Uganda is concerned.
I think you're right - the West Indies stuff is more about old-time Protestantism (since everyone there's been old-time Protestant for 300 years), whereas the sub-Saharan Africa stuff is more about crazy Yanks and crazy Arabs (since most of the people there, whether nominally Christian or Muslim, actually weren't any recognisable version of either until recently.)
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