You will no doubt have read all about this on The Air Vent, Climate Audit, Watts Up With That, Bishop Hill, Englishman's Castle and so on. One of my favourite sceptic blogs, World Climate Report hasn't mentioned it yet.
I wondered how and whether the MSM had responded, so I Googled climate change emails east anglia. The five articles that I can find are scattered among the top hundred results or so, and can be summarised as follows:
On the left, The Grauniad and The New York Times at least go to the trouble of desperately trying to keep the myth going and The BBC mentions the incident but not the contents of the emails.
In the centre, The Times mention an email which "contained a sentence about temperatures and referred to a 'trick' that could be used to 'hide the decline'". They invite a response from one or two of the authors, but the authors remained tight-lipped.
On the right, The Daily Mail have an article titled "Hackers 'expose global warming con': Sceptics claim that leaked emails reveal research centre massaged temperature data" but which is otherwise fairly neutral.
So in other words, unlike the bloggers, none of them really saw the emails as front page news. The best comment was by Patrick J Michaels: “This is not a smoking gun; this is a mushroom cloud.”
It would be fun to go and visit all the warmenist blogs and see how they are spinning it, but that's for another day...
UPDATE: Buggeration. I now realise that James Delinpole has already done this exercise on his Telegraph Blog. Ah well.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
If you want to choke on your cornflakes over breakfast tomorrow try reading this at the same time as munching.
Tax payers money being used to market propaganda bypassing science and democracy in one move.
MITS, yup, right at the bottom of the front page it says "This project has received European Regional Development Funding through the INTERREG III B Community Initiative" and the logo next to it says "NWE ENO INTERREG IIIB NORTH WEST EUROPE".
The rest is enormously good fun, well worth a read.
There is so much smoke, so much subterfuge because they are playing for big stakes. We're finding that in MPs' responses to us too on AA and they think they have a reason to ignore us. We're going to have to get round the bstds.
Let's wait and see if the Telegraph puts it in the paper rather than just their blog.
The trouble with the all the warmenists propaganda is that much of it is sensible advice to use less fossil fuels, which a) saves us money in the short term and b) makes the remaining stocks of fossil fuel, which by their nature are limited, last longer, but that sensible advice is bound up in a completely fallacious scare story. Mind you perhaps we should not complain too much about doing the right thing for the wrong reason, because, once the world starts getting cooler, we in the northern hemisphere are really going to need those fossil fuels.
Great links. Thanks.
JH, and that surprises you because ..?
Banned, well did they?
Bayard, I'm all in favour of doing the right thing, the reasons are irrelevant. So let's save up the fossil fuels for heating, and not waste them on smelting iron to build useless windmills etc.
BQ, my pleasure.
No, they never did despite James Delingpoles blog still being one of their top online reads.
Meanwhile, the Met Office seem to have removed their own Hadley Research Centre webpages, possibly because they boast about collaborating with the newly discredited UEA CRU.
To view the actual University of East Anglia's Climate Research documents which were discovered on the internet showing various attempts to fool and manipulate the public regarding climate change search for the folder it is available on many file sharing sites or view at
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