JuliaM in the comments here:
Weren't the Aussies contemplating a camel cull a while ago, but stymied by the problem of actually finding them in the outback? Well, problem solved! Commence bombing run!
From today's Metro:
Thousands of "marauding, wild" camels will be gunned down by helicopters after over-running a small town in Australia's Outback, officials have vowed.
About 6,000 of the animals have been wreaking havoc in Docker River after invading the town in search of water - trampling fences, smashing tanks and contaminating supplies. The Northern Territory government has now announced its plan for dealing with the camels, which have been arriving daily for weeks because of drought conditions in the region....
Starmer is afraid of change
1 hour ago
Those are rather hard camels if they can smash tanks. No wonder the helicopters (Apaches, one presumes) are being sent in.
6000? That's regimental size. Is this a probe in strength, with the Division waiting in the outback, ready to jump off?
K, exactly.
VFTS, I guess the rest of the division is waiting until the helicopters land to refuel before mounting their counter-attack.
I hope they do this properly, and fit the helicopters with loudspeakers.
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