Those three little words are "independent of government", of course, which appears to be NewSpeak for "government propagandists". From The Green Fiscal Commission website:
The Commission is independent of government. It is formed of Commissioners with wide experience and expertise drawn from a representative range of social, economic and political stakeholders...
... followed by a list of two dozen commissioners, nearly all of whom already hold posts on other quangos.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
"independent of government" which means it isn't.
is like Not in the public interest when you can be damn sure it would be.
I had only to see the word Stakeholders to realise what a sham the Green Fical Commission really is.
I believe ASH (spit) are a Stakeholder in many quangos, as is BH...
The need to be Buffy style Stakeholders.
Well, call me ignorant, but up until this point I thought all Commissions were set up by the gov't. I thought that's what made it a commission, not an society or an institute.
Lots of yummy moolah coming in to line the pockets.
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