Wednesday 2 September 2009

Reader's Letter Of The Day

From The Daily Telegraph:

SIR – Alistair Darling says: "I am confident that the UK will return to growth round the turn of the year." But economic forecasting is not really possible. The existing economic models are relied on only to explain the past.

Mr Darling did not "foresee" the recession till it was well under way, so how can he "foresee" what will happen six months ahead? Did anyone foresee that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Did anyone foresee that we would release the Lockerbie bomber? Did anyone foresee that tobacco advertising would be given an extra year for Formula 1? We can't even see the Government's liabilities, let alone foresee them.

Until we have open government we will be lucky to see five minutes ahead.

Brian Gilbert, Hampton, Middlesex.


Lester Taylor said...

Very true...

Lola said...

I claim my £5! I saw in 1997 that Blair/Brown would screw the country. But I had no idea when - which is really your argument.