From The Metro:
Violent men will be banned from their own homes to give abused partners "breathing space" under new police powers promised by Home Secretary Alan Johnson.
Domestic Violence Protection Orders, to be trialled in two areas, will apply for up to a fortnight in a bid to prevent women having to flee to emergency accommodation such as refuges. Instead they would be offered help and advice by caseworkers on the options open to them if they left the relationship - including securing a longer-term injunction...
OK, yet another gimmick from the government that dreamed up ASBO's and ABC's, so it will either never be implemented; or it will be implemented so badly that it just makes things worse etc. etc. (He knows where you live!). Moving swiftly on ...
... charity Refuge warned that the so-called "go" orders would only be effective if they were backed with sufficient funding and training of professionals...
Sandra Horley, chief executive of Refuge, said: "These new orders will protect women from further risk of domestic violence if they are implemented effectively. We hope the Government will underpin these positive initiatives with the funding and training needed to ensure this and, in doing so, alter radically the number of women whose lives are blighted by domestic violence."
The money shot!
Refuge's 2008 accounts show that total income of £8,215,265 includes £2,431,979 "rent" which is presumably a cross charge (the charity has no signifcant property assets on its balance sheet, heck knows to whom they pay it out again. Housing associations, themselves fakecharities, perhaps?).
Out of the remaining £5,783,286; "voluntary income" was £1,128,459 (their donors include the usual suspects like Children in Need and Comic Relief, Note 3); grants for "Supporting people" or "Floating Support" was £3,541,362 (all from the local authority/borough, Note 4); "Grants for services" was £784,010 (all from other government departments or local councils, Note 5); and interest income and "other income" (unspecified) was £329,455.
So that puts Refuge squarely in the "fakecharity" corner. But they'd like a bit more cash and more power anyway, thank you very much.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
"OK, yet another gimmick from the government that dreamed up ASBO's and ABC's, so it will either never be implemented; or it will be implemented so badly that it just makes things worse etc. etc. "
Well, I can't see them not working.
I mean, that council exclusion zone worked so well for the Pilkingtons, didn't it?
If they're banned, will they sleep on the street?
JH, exactly. It would be a damn' sight cheaper to have accommodation ready for husband/boyfriend to move into to cool off for a bit than trying to rehouse woman + kids (why do the women always get the kids?).
Will this legislation deal with false accusations?
Some men will lose access to the home they may have exclusively paid for, on the word of another.
Maybe they'll do it to meet another man, maybe to spite. We now know that lots of rape accusations are false, will this be the new false rape?
Will lying be a jailable offence to prevent this?
AC1, "No", "Yes", "Probably" and "Unlikley" respectively.
There's always gonna somebody screaming for public money to be spent on them or their cause, problem for them is that for the first time ever we're going to see real pressure on public spending, and if the next government (whoever they are) has any nous about them, they'll start will cutting loose all these rent seeking fake charities and the like.
"...for the first time ever we're going to see real pressure on public spending, and if the next government (whoever they are) has any nous about them, they'll start will cutting loose all these rent seeking fake charities and the like."
More Peter Davies' please!
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