Read and enjoy.
I have no idea how reliable the statistics or inferences are, but who cares?
Via Leg-Iron, who got it from Captain Ranty.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Read and enjoy.
I have no idea how reliable the statistics or inferences are, but who cares?
Via Leg-Iron, who got it from Captain Ranty.
My latest blogpost: The World's Greatest Article. Ever.Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Smoking, statistics
Is this the holy grail I've been searching for?!
Makes sense to me!!
TT, it's more winning the Jules Rimet of Holy Grails and opening it to find it brimful of The Philsopher's Stone. Plus yesterday's winning Euro-millions ticket.
"UN statistics showing that life expectancy was nicely proportional to tobacco consumption, internationally -- so that, for example, Japan and South Korea were respectively first and second in both life expectancy and tobacco consumption. The lowest tobacco consumption was in Third World countries, where we also found some of the shortest life expectancies.
Can we expect the Turks to start keeling over now that they gave jumped the smokefree bandwaggon ?
My mother died from a heart attack caused by a violent coughing fit brought on by her giving up smoking. At least, that was the doctor's surmise. I still think it's a filthy bloody habit, mind.
Filthy be damned.
Tobacco has been used as a medicinal herb for over 8,000 years. Why do you think Big Pharma want to control the nicotine market? Even now laboratories around the world are testing cancer cures.....made from nicotine.
Like potatoes? Tomatoes? Aubergine? Tea? All contain nicotine.
Do you get your RDA of Vitamin B3? That would be nicotine.
Do you particularly like foods containing niacin? That would also be nicotine. (Check the ingredients on any one of a thousand foodstuffs, niacin is in there).
Bit of trivia: the scientists and nutritionists knew we had to have some nicotine in our diet, but the puritans were appalled. So they called it nicotinic acid. The name still bothered people so we ended up with niacin.
The truth is that we NEED nicotine. Without it we would still see millions of cases of pellagra. (Look it up). Tobacco also protects against at least 15 cancers, Alzheimers, Parkinsons and ulcerative colitis. There are another 35-55 maladies it wards off, but you get the picture.
Tobacco is not the anti-Christ it is portrayed to be.
But it sure as hell helps if you want to control a multi-billion dollar business.
Follow the money. Always.
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