Hats off to these chaps! I'm sure the shock-horror-outrage headlines will be an enormous boost to sales, at [an outrageous] £9.99 a bottle. And don't tell me that they'll restrict output to a mere three thousand - that's all part of the scam to boost the product's perceived value.
I'm pleased to see a new fakecharity, Alcohol Focus Scotland, giving its rent-a-quote. Unfortunately, the Scottish Charity Register doesn't publish their accounts so I can't tell you how much of their income is directly or indirectly from the government.
We already outed the British Liver Trust as a fakecharity here.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Join the FTW.
I heard about that this morning, and I must admit that I'm very tempted. The fact that statist rascals disapprove is an excellent recommendation.
However, the price is very high; with the postage charge on top even buying 6 works out at around £7 per bottle.
Same for Wookey Hole, they're making loads of mileage out of a job ad. Last month it was the ad itself, now they are getting coverage for the 'X-factor style auditions'.
Clever marketing.
The only Brewdog beer I've had has been 'Punk IPA' which is lovely (and Tesco sometimes flog it at 99p a bottle).
I keep meaning to try the rest of the range but they are hard to find.
S_L, you get a bonus point for writing "Tesco" rather than "Tesco's".
They should go to Denmark. They'd have a fit there with some of the very strong craft-brewed beers out there - 12, 14 and in some cases 16% are quite common over there.
I've had an earlier version of BrewDog Tokyo before - it's a lovely imperial stout but as is said, not cheap. A lot of effort does go into making beers like this and they are deep, complex and very intense.
Man, I love imperial stouts.
Most alcoholics wouldn't buy this stuff anyway because it's far too sophisticated and expensive. This stuff isn't anywhere near like an average beer; it should be treated more like wine in my view.
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