From the BBC:
A £1m government scheme to help failed asylum seekers and their children return home resulted in just one family leaving Britain, the BBC has learned. The pilot scheme in Kent, run by the charity Migrant Helpline(1), was aimed at reducing the number of children locked up in detention centres each year. The Children's Society(2) said it was a "real scandal" an opportunity to do more for the families had been missed.
(1) From Migrant Helpline's 2008 accounts (page 5):
During the year, £3.6m was received from the Home Office in order to manage the Asylum Support Programme. In addition, all direct costs incurred on behalf of the client were reimbursed in full, including costs of accommodation and transport. In total, this sum was in excess of £6.5m.
£243,001 was received from the Social Policy Unit of the Home Office to manage a reception service for refugees arriving under the UK's Gateway Protection Programme. Additional Restricted Funds were also received as mentioned in Note 3 to the accounts.
Donations and sundry income amounted to £7,561.
£91,130 was received from interest earned on deposits. This is unrestricted income. The major call on Unrestricted Funds has been to support the EU Migration Project.
(2) From The Children's Society's 2008 accounts (page 19):
'Income from charitable activities' (local and central government) increased by £0.2Million to £9.3Million as government commissioning arrangements began to settle down.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
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