Christina Speight alerted me to The Grauniad's editorial of yesterday, entitled The Dud Czech, the highlight of which is probably this:
Faced with growing evidence that scientists have understated climate change, Mr Klaus told a conference of climate change deniers at the weekend that Europe was being too alarmist. If this is leadership, the EU's rotating chair cannot swivel fast enough. Better still, let us have a permanent EU president. Mr Klaus could not be making a more persuasive case for one.
Cool. We're democrats, and we'll abide by the pre-agreed rules unless we're unhappy with the outcome, in which case we'll keep changing the rules in favour of an ever smaller number of True Believers until one day one of us can run the show single-handedly, just like dictators of yore. While skim-reading this diatribe, my eye chanced upon this:
Monbiot's royal flush: Top 10 climate change deniers.
... which is well worth a read. Apart from Sarah Palin, I have no idea what the Yanks on the list may have done to merit inclusion, and while I applaud Melanie Phillips' rabid Zionism, she would appear to be motivated primarily by bitterness, but as it happens, I have awarded four of the other five "rocks" for services to MMGW-Myth debunking (click labels below) and have often referred to Christopher Booker's countless - and so far futile - attempts to explain the difference between white asbestos (relatively harmless, once in situ) and blue or brown asbestos (nasty stuff that was banned over twenty years ago). So clearly these people have managed to really get under The Establishment's skin, and here's hoping that they keep up the good work in future.
Forbidden Bible Verses — Exodus 27:1-8
30 minutes ago
I think Professor fred Singer will be unhappy not to be on Moonbat's list, propably because of his impeccable scientific credentials. More & more the Bat is going for cartoon vituperation since even his deliberate misreading of academic results isn't working.
Palin hasn't actually denied warming, though I think she would like to. She has criticised calling polar bears "endangered" on the grounds that far from dying out their numbers have increased 7 fold - I suspect Moonbat wishes Guardian readers were that endangered.
I quite like this idea of a permenant EU President - I nominate Vacav Klaus. He could just carrying on as he doing such a great job.
TGS, excellent point. I shall make that my next Fun Online Poll.
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