Thanks to everybody who voted. The results after one week are:
Obama's trillion dollar bail-out is ...
Mad - 68%
Sad - 20%
Bad - 13%
With hindsight, I ought to have included the options "All of the above" and "A stroke of genius. I wish my country would do something like it", but hey.
The problem is of course, we know it won't work and that it will merely draw out the agony for a extra few years, but The One and His Disciples will never admit it, they will insist that without the bail-out that things would have been even worse/lasted even longer. That's one of the problems with economics - you can't do control experiments, so you have to base your observations on two otherwise very similar economies that adopt radically different policies in certain regards. I guess that Canada makes a good 'control experiment' - who so far are streets ahead in the game, as it happens.
This week's poll - Who do you trust more to run the economy?, suggested by Tim Almond, inspired by an article in The Daily Mash.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
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