Excerpt from a longer version at EUReferendum:
Brian Crowley MEP: With all respect, Mr. President, you will not tell me what the Irish think. As an Irishman, I know it best.
President Vaclav Klaus: I do not speculate about what the Irish think. I state the only measurable data which were proved by the referendum.
... concluding with ...
Hans-Gert Pöttering: ... In the conclusion - and I want to leave this room in good terms - I would like to say that it is more than unacceptable, if you compare us, compare us with the Soviet Union. We are all deeply rooted in our countries and our constituencies. We are concerned about freedom and reconciliation in Europe, we are good willing, not naïve.
President Vaclav Klaus: I did not compare you with the Soviet Union, I did not mention the word[s] "Soviet Union". I only said that I have not experienced such an atmosphere, such style of debate in the past 19 years in the Czech Republic, really.
Thanks to Christina Speight for emailing me the link.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Just been to read the whole thing. I like him a lot.
He has a rare gift for speaking truth to arrogance.
Much like Mrs Thatcher.
VK talks sense on all manner of things (click the label for more).
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