It's a quiet newsday, so I shall pick up the baton from Mark's Any and nominate my 'Bloggers Cabinet.
The Home Office
Justice - Julia M
Immigration - Phil Thomas
Drugs (Legalisation, Regulation & Taxation Thereof) - Jock Coats
Data Security - Longrider
Police & Prisons - Steve Allison
Narrowly failed to qualify as Home Secretary: Old Holborn
Tomorrow - The Treasury
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
I wonder if DK wouldn't make a better minister of Drugs. Or perhaps this guy.
DK has got the job as "Climate Change (Debunking Myths Thereabout) Minister".
I'll take DCMS. I reckon I'd need about 18 months to privatise the BBC, sell off the assets and shut it down.
TA, you're on.
Merry xmas from ACO
Can I be the head of the DWNCG?
Department for winding down non-core government.
AC1, sorry, TA got in first.
AC1, that Turner thing is brilliant. Especially Anthea admitting she'd been caught with her knickers round her ankles, a delightful image.
I suspect I'd need a few quality control officers!
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