Is he mad?
Most certainly not...
Mr Gore is an investor in renewable energy technologies, through his chairmanship of Generation Investment Management, a fund management company managed by David Blood, former head of Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Since last year, he has also been a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers, the Silicon Valley venture capital fund, which is seeking to make sizeable investments in renewable energy companies.
Myron Ebell makes an excellent point further down the article “We couldn’t come close to [his] goal of producing all our electricity from solar, wind, and geothermal energy in 10 years without coercive, even authoritarian government.”
But Myron isn't quite up to speed with modern jargon. You don't "telecommute from home", you either "telecommute" or you "work from home".
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Great a 10 year plan, at least its a little bit more quantifiable than our wretch PMs 20,30 and 42 year plans. It will happen when the market makes it happen, and any trick to fool the market will be meet by being eaten up by the market and spat out like a fly.
On a more realistic note, I got one of those camping solar panels and they work pretty well, I charge up my extensive collection of mobiles, fones, pds, laptops, ipods ect pretty easily even in winter, the tech has promise and its getting better and better.
As for wind you need to store it up as hydrogen to make the system work, nuclear will do for me while we work it all out, save handing over billions of petro dollars to people that hate us.
Anon, broadly agreed, the point is that bastards like Al Gore are trying to rig the markets so that they, the spiders, can gobble up the subsidy flies.
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