He said in yesterday's FT that "a Conservative government would throw support behind selling UK arms to the world by reinstating the Defence Export Services Organisation".
Which leads one to assume that UK arms manufacturers are struggling a bit. I was therefore surprised to see this in today's FT:
UK becomes largest exporter of arms
Britain became the world's largest arms exporter last year ... overtaking the US which normally occupies the top slot ... giving it a 33 per cent share of the world export market.
Wow! So maybe Nulab were doing exactly the right thing when they shut down the 'Defence Export Services Organisation' - if an industry is thriving, it's best for politicians to keep their noses out.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Agreed. I haven't a problem with the UK arms industry but I've a problem with the government giving it preferential focus over the other parts of the economy. The best way to avoid that is to keep clear.
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