A lot of new 'bloggers see their hits increase enormously in the first couple of months and then tail off again*, there are also a load of 'bloggers who leave a tearful farewell message after a year or so; like Newmania, Pommygranate and Praguetory. Who then cheerfully resume posting after a few weeks. The Daily Brute has kept up his sulk for nearly a week now, BTW. Were they discouraged by their declining visits ...?
Anyway, here's my 'monthly visits' so far, I don't know whether February is a blip on a downward slope or a change in fortunes**; or whether I will succumb to 'blogging fatigue. We'll find out, I suppose.
* I found this out via Sitemeter - sometimes other 'bloggers visit your site via their own Sitemeter acount, and you can sort of track back, maybe this only works if they don't password-protect it. Naming names would be inappropriate.
** I have a nasty feeling it's the former; I had about 500 hits this month on this post, which sort of helped my stat's.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
I'm gonna have to switch to Sitemeter. I've been using Statcounter since I started but it only goes back two months.
Take heart, I spent the first eight months hovering between 1,500 and just over 2,000 then I things started climbing (and that's before I started a regular totty feature). Getting noticed and mentioned by the big boys helped (thanks Tim W, DK, The Englishman, Theo, Jules and others).
One thing I have noticed and this is blatant visitor number blagging: post on the really big stories of the day for a few days. Your hit rate will sky rocket and then fall. But not quite to what it was before. Obviously some of those random arrivals like what they see and hang around.
You've also got to remember that Dec and Jan are usually slow months. People, even bloggers, tend to have other things to do at that time of year.
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