He recently suggested that men paying women for sex should be made illegal, but it appears not men paying men, women paying men or women paying women (if such a thing exists).
He was suitably derided by the bloggertarians, but what occurs to me is, a lot of the cards in 'phone boxes advertise the services of 'pre-op transexuals'. I assume that this means 'a woman with a dick' rather than 'a man with no dick'. So on which side of the line do these people fall? Can they be paid or not?
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
WOAR, excellent research as ever. I did treat myself to a new 'phone just before Xmas, thanks for asking.
It seems like a lot of perverse things are ignored in Dr MacShanes constituency, i know social workers in Rotherham care not for crimes like rape and incest, in fact it's the victims who are persecuted in this town.
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