Well what a blinding f***ing insight, how come nobody else thought of that?
So why do we have a welfare system that actively encourages single motherhood? Those stories about single mothers losing around £11,000 p.a. in benefits if they start a relationship are all perfectly founded in fact.
Update - there would also appear to be a correlation between the number of divorces and the number of 'violence against the person offences' (scroll down to page 56 of pdf or page 42 of the printed version, column 2). Quite what is cause and what is effect is a whole 'nother topic.
Such a waste of time
3 hours ago
Too right, but your missing this
Divorce rate jumps 3 times in 10 years to 1980, crime jumps 3 times to 2007
Do you also have a link to some stat's on overall crime levels?
on my PDA so no links, But off the top of my head
google, crime stats uk
go to the Home office crime stats site, find the british crime survey main doc pdf, and i think you need to look at page 56.
2 things.
no1, crime stats are produced and covered up my civil servants with Pension tattooed on their foreheads.
no2, violent crime, IS the crime stats, for example a peodo doing cybercrime looked up in 2007 would not be a crime in 1907, i am sure you know what i mean, so too a low number of cars per head in 1957 would not compare to the number in 2007, thus crimes against the vehicle (damage) would naturally be smaller.
where as you could be slashed in 1930, 1960 and 2007 and it would be the same thing.
I agree, violent crime is the most relevant for long-term comparisons.
page 63 of aforemtioned BCS says violent crime up by 25% over last thrity years. Which is bad, but not quite as bad as you said.
Well I may be wrong but this seems plain enough for me.
Maybe ive missed something?
Page 56 of 193
Main Volume (pdf, 1.9mb)
Column 2
number of violence against the person per 100k
Just to put this in some perspective. Jeff Randle in today's Telegraph rubbishes the British Crime Survey and notes that "crimes of personal violence [as reported to the police] in the final quarter of 2004 rose by 10 per cent (on the same period in 2003) and more grave offences (including murder and serious wounding) went up by 4 per cent."
I think I'm correct in saying that the murder of Rhys Jones will not appear in the BCS statistics because it involved a victim under 16 and murder is not included in the BCS.
Anon & Umbongo, thanks.
I would not be at all surprised if the crime stat's vastly under-report crime, but it is relative changes we are looking at, how do we know that they were not vastly under-reported thirty years ago?
Even if they're correct, that page 56 column 2 looks pretty frightening to me.
Why? Probably because modern men don't like children and would rather have nothing to do with them. They certainly don't want to be so un-hip and backward as to endorse discipline and traditional values.
You're my new hero.
We're like minds.
Same shit all over the world.
I wish we had that. If the mum starts a relationship she gets nothing. Here in the U.S. single women stay single for all the perks. And they keep spitting babies out because our f***** lawmakers don't want to step on the toes of the ethnics who are the most guilty of this practice.
Mothers remain unmarried, but live with the "Baby daddy" so they can get all the freebies ie; health care, food vouchers etc all on the tax dollars of the rest of us hard working chumps.
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