Thursday 3 May 2012

Vote early, vote often, vote UKIP

It's the last time I'll ever say this, but go on, let's shake things up a bit and see what the Purple Wing of the Home-Owner-Ist movement has got to offer:


Curmudgeon said...

Just been to the polling station - a choice between Con, Lab, Lib and BNP.

Which made four handy boxes in which to write the letters U - K - I - P ;-)

neil craig said...

Looks like UKIP sweep the country then.

On the other hand if you look at the BBC's, officially "balanced" Question Time audience UKIP will get virtually zero votes.

Anonymous said...

So what exactly *is* your relationship with UKIP these days?

Mark Wadsworth said...

C, nice one.

NC, UKIP are putting up about 700 candidates (incl. your truly) out of 3,000 seats up for re-election.

F, still a rank and file member, but ask me again tomorrow.

QP said...

I have a full choice of the 'big five' (assuming the Lib-Dems are still in the top 5 parties)

Curmudgeon said...

In the "Big Five", is #5 BNP or Green?

Old BE said...

Ooh are you standing? Good luck!

I voted Boris for mayor and UKIP in the constituency and top-up list. I think Boris is excellent but want to "protest" against the Conservatives in a wider sense.

QP said...

#5 is Green I think they have a bigger national share of the vote than BNP?

Robin Smith said...

Religious problem for UKIP is they are "Protectionists" plain and simple.

They think they are demanding welfare for the indigenous population to protect against cheaper prices from better workers and entrepreneurs coming in from abroad.

But this is futile because it simply raises the price of everything for everyone locally. Stupid. Apologies I mean blind ignorance.

And who wins? The big corporations funding UKIP alone, who gain alone by higher prices for only their products. Same old.

You should know this by now. But it seems you lead on your politics before justice, accounting maths, simplicity and common sense??? WTF.

My policy is to welcome as much cheaper labour and capital into the country as possible and to expel all the lazy parasites as soon as possible.

Sackerson said...

"My policy is to welcome as much cheaper labour and capital into the country as possible and to expel all the lazy parasites as soon as possible."

And what we've got is the first but not the second. 'Course, the second might not be so if not for the first.

Patrick said...

Mark have you pushed the case for LVT in UKIP? I've very recently joined the party, and at some point would like to start presenting LVT as practical way forward and a way to distinguish ourselves from the Conservative party.

Mark Wadsworth said...

BE, yup, one last time for UKIP and then that's it.

RS, and your incredibly insights into UKIP are based on what, exactly?

L, a) yes of course and b) forget it, you are wasting your time. UKIP are a broad cross section of the UK population and represent majority opinion in most respects, i.e. they are the most extreme Home-Owner-Ist of all appear to have sold out to the financial services sector anyway.

Patrick said...

Mark, I'm a sucker for lost causes ;)

Anonymous said...

So what exactly *is* your relationship with UKIP these days? ;)

Mark Wadsworth said...

L, indeed, me too.

F, right now, absolutely none. I just haven't got round to emailing them my withdrawal/resignation.

chefdave said...

MW, is there something I've missed? How come you're standing for UKIP one day and leaving them the next?

I'm not a member just a voter, by I see UKIP as the only party that *might* eventually recognise the benefits that LVT has to offer.

Mark Wadsworth said...

CD, I've done my best for five years, it wasn't good enough, it's time to accept I've lost that battle and move on.

chefdave said...

Fair enough. I suppose it's inevitable that a middle class party like UKIP becomes rampant with homeownerism, but I like to think that their libertarian element would be enough make them more economically aware than your average Eurosceptic Tory. Wishful thinking perhaps?

UKIP still have value to me as anti-EU party, and as Farage has gone on record as being anti drug prohibition (an issue the big 3 won't touch) there's enough to keep me loyal even without commitments to LVT.

I guess there's always land specultation as hedge though? I certainly intend on a bit of pwoperdee investment next time around if the population insist on keeping the demented monopoly economy.

Curmudgeon said...

UKIP still have value to me as an an AGW-sceptic, anti-prohibitionist party regardless of their views on home-owner-ism.

Mark Wadsworth said...

CD, yes, wishful thinking.

CD, C, yes of course there are plenty of good things to say about UKIP, climate sceptic, EU sceptic, non-PC, in favour of grammar schools and lifting smoking ban, Farage personally is against drugs ban etc. But why not have all this stuff AND be non-Home-Owner-Ist?