Wednesday 2 May 2012

How to encourage inward investment

From City AM:

BOLIVIA followed in Argentina’s protectionist footsteps yesterday as it nationalised a local unit of Spain’s Red Electrica, blaming a lack of investment in the country.


Antisthenes said...

Crass socialist policies will have the effect of deterring inward investment but then left wingers have a penchant for setting out to achieve a desirable goal only to achieve an undesirable one.

Dick Puddlecote said...

The same kind of perverse lefty logic which is causing an exodus from California and sending its economy into meltdown. They just don't 'get' this money thing, do they?

Old BE said...

It's bonkers. It's a nice thought that the Bolivian state will now invest huge dollops of cash into the power infrastructure to benefit its citizens and the wider economy. Of course what will actually happen is that the nationalist vote will get a boost and that the state will milk the electricity company dry to support pet projects.

Bonkers and depressing, really.

Robin Smith said...

Capital is like energy. It flows in the path of least resistance.

Where will capital flow most easily? Where it gets the biggest return.

This is universal law. Men cannot change that with laws or regulations. They can only inhibit it.

Fake socialism has to be THE most ignorant class of politics.

Bayard said...

"They just don't 'get' this money thing, do they?"

Possibly because there is no money in the socialist Utopia. Everyone works for the state and the state hands out to the poeple what the state judges the people need, free of charge.