Monday 7 May 2012

HMS Ocean Open Day in Greenwich

Today's outing was the HMS Ocean Open Day.

Queuing took about two-and-a-half hours, but actually standing on the deck of an aircraft carrier (OK, it's not a proper aircraft carrier, it's a 'helicopter carrier') made it all worthwhile. It is as long and flat as you imagine, and a lot higher above water level.

The hangar deck was laid out as a recruitment exercise for the Royal Navy, which is fine if you enjoy that sort of thing. You weren't allowed to see the other parts of the ship, but they handed out loads of leaflets explaining how well armed and well appointed it is. Who would have thought that Senior Ratings on HMC Ocean have their very own maternity ward? (see third paragraph)


JuliaM said...

"Who would have thought that Senior Ratings on HMC Ocean have their very own maternity ward?"


I guess lady ratings are no longer expected to repel boarders?

Macheath said...

Unfortunately this particular kind of mistake is on the increase - don't they teach homophones in school these days? My local paper has reported 'lengthy cues at the opening of a nail bar', while the Sunday Times described a vacuum cleaner with a 'retractable power chord' (is that what you get before a trucker's gear change?).

Here's an idea: the first member of the public to spot any blatant spelling mistake of this kind in an official handout should be entitled to a £100 prize, paid for out of the pocket of the copywriter responsible.

Ian Hills said...

So what do the junior ratings do - demand the right to be helicoptered to the nearest maternity hospital?

At this rate our boys in Afghanistan might be able to claim the right to life one day, like vehicles that protect them from IEDs ;)

Mark Wadsworth said...

JM, perhaps you were reading too much into it.

McH, no of course they don't teach homophonia any more, they're a lot more enlightened now.

IH, best protection from IEDs is stay in Blighty. I suppose this would be a suitable occasion for an IED/IUD joke?

Ian Hills said...

MW, pity that female fighter pilot wasn't issued with one - I seem to recall that she won an unfair dismissal claim after the RAF sacked her for getting pregnant.

Imagine trying to sight enemy targets over your bump.....

Sarton Bander said...

They have a habit of turning up over here. Causing trouble is written in their little book.