Monday 9 January 2012

Reader's Letter Of The Day

From today's Evening Standard:


JJ said...

Can't you do a caricature of Abbott, Mark?...I'll try not to guffaw too loudly.

She grew too big for her boots a long time ago...and why does Andrew Neil keep dredging her up for his 'This Week' prog?

Mark Wadsworth said...

JJ, I did, click "Diane Abbott' label and scroll down.

FrankC said...

Gross. That's an evil pencil you have. Holy water stat!

W/v "prayeh" - coincidence?

dearieme said...

Doesn't the headline hint at "Black folk can't afford hackney cabs"?

If so, it's meant to make the reader wonder "What, even with all those illegal profits?" In other words, it's racist. The Evening Standard should be ashamed of itself. It's as bad as that Abbott woman.

Steven_L said...

What did you make of the Abbot thing then MW? All I heard was:

Woman on twitter: "You know, these people that supposedly speak for me, I really don't agree with a lot of the things they say.

Abbot: "Shut up and learn your place, it's not for you to disagree with your betters. We know what's best for you, and disagreeing with us is like helping our enemies.

Mark Wadsworth said...

FC, ta. It's my special fat pencil.

D, I thought the headline was quite clever, two meanings of "Hackney" etc.

SL, I for one was not offended in the slightest. All politicians or leaders play divide and rule. As well as geometry teachers.

Rob said...

Isn't 'black cabs' racist?! Shouldn't it be "cabs of colour"?

JJ said...

You've captured her perfectly Mark...large, ugly, and devoid of any aesthetic value whatsoever…a truly deeply unsettling sight. I didn’t post earlier because it’s taken me time to recover from this brutal shock to my senses. Please bear this in mind when you next assail our nervous systems.

Thank you.

Umbongo said...


MW's brilliant - and disturbing - caricature of Abbott bears more than a passing resemblance to Matt Lucas's "Precious" character in the BBC spoof programme "Come Fly with Me". Of course, in that case the professionally offended couldn't wait to be . . . offended. Even so, and by making the most of the effects of her lack of nutritional restraint, it's possible that Abbott could add another strand to her illustrious TV career.