Monday 12 September 2011

Outbreak of commonsense...

... in Greece:

Greek prime minister George Papandreou yesterday dismissed calls to hold an election. “This is not the time for elections. This is the time for battle,” he said

The Greek government made a snap decision to impose a new €2bn (£1.7bn) property tax to be collected via household bills in a last-ditch effort to meet the country’s 2011 deficit target.

In response, Greece’s paymasters, in the form of the troika – the EU, IMF and European Central Bank (ECB) – will return to the country this week to check it is on target and eligible to receive its next instalment of aid.

Perhaps they've been reading my 'blog? Or possibly The Daily Mail. The £1.7 billion they hope to raise is, pro rata, still a lot less than Council Tax in the UK, but it's a start.


James Higham said...

And that's because he has long legs in relation to his torso. Check him against the other two in this photo:

Bayard said...

"This is the time for battle,"

Which means, I suspect, that he thinks that the Greeks aren't going to hand over any tax without a fight, probably literally.