Monday 6 June 2011

The New Tim Henman


Sackerson said...

Tin? Does he lack a heart?

Mark Wadsworth said...

S, well spotted I have changed.

Bill Quango MP said...

Come on Tim!

dearieme said...

Henman was good enough to reach semi-finals, Murray to reach finals. He then needs an injury or an off-day for his opponent and Bob's your uncle.

James Higham said...

Haven't I seen this somewhere else recently?

TheFatBigot said...

Where would we Brits be if our chaps started winning things? We wouldn't know how to cope.

This year's US Masters golf tourney provided a master class of British choking with young Mr McIlroy blowing a decent lead from the moment he teed off at the first in the final round. Ironically Colin Montgomery, golf's choker-in-chief, was one of the commentators.

There would be a big problem if Mr Murray were to win a grand slam title. Our expectations would be raised too far. No longer would we cheer the plucky Brit wild-carder who got to the second round at Wimbledon, instead we would reserve our cheers for only the ultimately victorious. It's a recipe for perpetual disappointment.

Mark Wadsworth said...

TFB, sport itself is a "recipe for perpetual disappointment."

JJ said...

I’m sorry Mark, but I have to say this about Andy Murray. In many ways he’s like Henman, he just can’t deliver when it matters most.

Imagine on bonfire night, you’re an excited child waiting for dad to light that very special firework that you’ve waited all year long for. Now then, dad moves forward and lights the blue touch paper…then you all stand well back…breathless with anticipation.

But what happens Mark?…pppffftttt! Yep – that’s right one big fat nothing pppfffttt! phutt! phutt! phutty, phutt bloody phutt!

One big dudsky!

Mark Wadsworth said...

JJ, I suppose the big difference is that TH was English when winning and British when losing; AM is British when winning and Scottish when losing.

Bayard said...

I can't remember which athlete it was who said "If you get gold, you're English, if you get silver, you're British, if you get bronze, you're West Indian, if you get caught cheating, you're black."