Thursday 9 June 2011

I don't remember anybody voting for his policies either...


A K Haart said...

Very good - and neither do I.

Mark Wadsworth said...

AKH, I quite like him actually, but I wish he'd think a bit more before spouting off.

James Higham said...

Hornets' nest - quite enjoying it.

Anonymous said...

One of your best, Mark. You've captured the expression of smug ignorance beautifully

Mark Wadsworth said...

JH, me too.

JE, ta, but with him it's more a case of ignorant smugness than mere smug ignorance, isn't it?

formertory said...

Yep, have to concur - spot on, though I wouldn't agree with "smug ignorance", I'm afraid. He's a clever man - but naive. A philosopher or theologian, in other words. Or both.

AntiCitizenOne said...

He's a thicky if you ask me.

NickM said...

I disagree. He is thick. He just confuses being convoluted with being clever, being opaque with being deep.

In that sense he is very post-modern.

Anyway,can the beardie twatter do Vector analysis. No then he can fuck of and write something incomprehensible about I Corinthians for the synod to wank over.

NickM said...

Oh, and Mark. Top-notch piccie. You could go pro.

Mark Wadsworth said...

NickM, ta, but I must confess I wouldn't be able to do vector analysis either, altho' I can just about manage differentiation and integration with normal numbers (once I've re-read that chapter in my maths book).

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