Saturday 4 June 2011

Domestic Science Lesson

E.coli - can be nasty:
Broc.coli - can be tasty:


chefdave said...

Apologies for the off topic comment, but have you seen this Mark?

If they wanted an accurate assessment they could have popped into their local estate agents.

formertory said...

My son (when at the "dirt surrounded by noise" stage of young boyhood) was enticed to try broccoli by telling him they were Martian's brains and we all had to eat as many as possible before we were completely overrun by the invaders...... it's still his favourite green veg.

Worked for us :-))) . And we must still be winning. No flying saucers seen anywhere.

Mark Wadsworth said...

CD, yes of course, all of this is blindingly obvious to a Georgist or anybody else who takes an interest, and I covered it (tangentially) on Thursday and Friday.

FT, that's the technique explained in a Charlie & Lola book, and it worked for Charlie as well. Did your son not point out if these are Martian's brains, then the corresponding Martians are dead anyway so nothing to worry about.

formertory said...

Heh, hadn't heard of Charlie and Lola (no relation, presumably, to your eminent correspondent?) but I guess it's not impossible that we picked it up from someone who'd seen it there.

He certainly wasn't worried about the dead ones. He was too busy enjoying the idea of shooting up the live ones to feed humans, being a small boy. Fortunately he didn't feel quite the same way when he came across the idea of another green - the Soylent variety - in later years.

Mark Wadsworth said...

FT, to be fair, the C&L book was first published in 2001, so you may have been doing this decades earlier.

NB, Lola who posts here is a middle aged dad named after the sports cars.

formertory said...

Yeah, I'd pegged him as middle aged dad, right enough. It's the irritability that's the giveaway :-)

Seemed likelier than his being a friend of Ray Davies, anyway.