Monday 11 January 2010

Twat Of The Day

Liam Byrne has risen to the exalted position of Chief Secretary to the Treasury, so it would be reasonable to expect him to have a basic grasp of bookkeeping, yes?


Liam Byrne said Mr Cameron's comments would "set alarm bells ringing up and down Britain... He said he wants deeper, faster cuts than Labour, but then deepened the mystery about where the cash would come from. He said he wants to cut the deficit faster, but yet again he says nothing about how he'll do it."

Thus successfully contradicting himself three times in the space of three sentences, as well as betraying a complete lack of understanding about anything whatsoever.


Obnoxio The Clown said...

I think the real twats are a) those who let him push out this guff without challenging him and b) those who nodded and agreed with him.

Lola said...

"Liam Byrne has risen to the exalted position of Chief Secretary to the Treasury, so it would be reasonable to expect him to have a basic grasp of bookkeeping, yes?" Nope.

James Higham said...

How do they actually get their jobs - do they have to take a stupidity test?