Thursday 3 September 2009

Global Warmenism is a religion: official

We are used to being bombarded with stories about Jesus or Mary appearing in slices of toast or the lids of Marmite jars.

That's absolutely fine, religion is all about looking for signs of divine intervention. What is now mightily chucklesome is the response of the Global Warmenists to the pictures of the iceberg that does indeed look a lot like a face with tears rolling down it:

... some think it shows Mother Nature in tears at the state of our planet. The stunning image shocked onlookers who felt the vivid pattern in the melting glacier looked like teary-eyed nature staring straight at them in a foreboding manner.


manwiddicombe said...

And then again if you turn the image upside down it looks remarkably like a scene from an 'adult education' film.

That I've never watched.


Tim Almond said...

I'll consider that the earth is trying to send us a message when Al Gore's 100ft boat gets sunk by a tidal wave.

Leg-iron said...

Actually, I think it looks more like Michael Jackson.

And more so, once the 'nose' breaks off.

KelvinKid said...

Of course, Libertarianism is a religion too since it defies logic and can only be sustained by faith.

Mark Wadsworth said...

KK, I am a pragmatarian. I only propose things that "work".

formertory said...

That must be what some people mean when they talk about "anthropomorphic" global warming...

Who'd have dreamed it would be real instead of a malapropism?

Dick Puddlecote said...

Did Kelvin really say that the idea of being in charge of one's life "defies logic"?

Teh funny.

Weekend Yachtsman said...

All we need now is for Fellini to make a film about it.

Jesus in a marmite jar, indeed.