From the BBC:
Representatives of 10 African countries are meeting in Ethiopia to try to agree a common position on climate change, months before a crucial UN meeting.
They are expected to renew demands for billions of dollars in compensation for Africa because of damage caused by global warming. And they are likely to ask rich nations to cut emissions by 40% by 2012. African nations are among the lightest polluters but analysts say they will suffer the most from climate change. BBC science reporter Matt McGrath says the move to agree a common negotiating platform for Africa recognises the continent's failure to make its voice heard on the debate...
Delegates from powerhouses South Africa, Nigeria* and Kenya are among those expected to attend. They will discuss a suggestion that developed countries should cut emissions by at least 40% by 2020, and that richer nations should provide $67bn (£40bn) a year to help the least well-off cope with rising temperatures.
* Ahem, maybe Nigeria could make a start by shutting down its oil wells?
Starmer is afraid of change
2 hours ago
More than one way to make a buck.
Why not cut out the middleman and just put our money into their pockets - 'cause thats where the bulk of it will end up.
Perhaps they'll pay us back, with interest
WfW +1: All "compensation" on that scale will achieve is to ensure that by 2020, the twenty or so richest men in the world are all African.
If Africa is going to suffer most from catastrophic warming then sea level rise cannot be a problem. Africa has far less coastline proportionately to area & averages fairly high. In theory the continent could end up half a mile narrower.
Of course if the whole thing is just a Beeboid scare story it is endlessly variable.
JH, I'm just surprised they didn't think of this years ago.
WFW, because then all the fakecharities wouldn't be able to take their cut.
FT, I linked to that article before, tee hee.
NC, exactly, the whole thing is a scam and the Africans have spotted the obvious loophole.
L, do they have more cows per capita than we do?
Note the slavish adherence of the Beeb to the latest blatant lie peddled by the world government warmistas - that CO2 is a pollutant.
A classic example of an absurd proposition being adopted as the official truth and repeated shamelessly by those promoting an extremist position until it becomes part of everyday language in relation to their special interest.
I have an alternative suggestion. The rich countries can save the money in a dedicated account (kept away from greedy spending ministers). And then, if and when catastrophe strikes, there will be cash available to deal with it. If, as is quite obviously more likely, predictions of catastrophe are complete bunkum, not a penny is wasted on corrupt African politicos.
TFB, but it's all lies, i.e. the fact that Africa would be totally unaffected by sea level rises (NC above) and there are signs of de-desertification (FT above) or the fact that Nigeria extracts and exports a load of oil completely escapes the Beeb, of course.
Your suggestion is fine, but those poor Africans need the money now to enable to them to [do something or other - not quite clear what, of course] before it's "too late".
Roger Helmer MEP has produced an excellent, concise plain man's guide to
the Climate CVHange controversy. It is called "Cool thinking on Climate Change"
And no, I'm not in his party. In fact I stood against him in the '99 euro elections.
What Global Warming?????
Pogo, read the article, "analysts say they will suffer the most from climate change.".
Seeing as the UK and other governments officially believe this, why shouldn't the Africans call their bluff?
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