Sunday 5 April 2009

Today, I shall be mostly tidying up this ...


Obnoxio The Clown said...

That IS tidy.

Isn't it?

AntiCitizenOne said...

Get another monitor, you really won't be able to go back yo just one after.

Anton Howes said...

ooh I used to have one of those funny chairs... but it broke.

Mark Wadsworth said...

AH, it's my second £20-one from Argos. The first one snapped where the diagonal joins the rear 'axle'.

If you enlarge the picture you can see my patented 'four bits of wood and two fat bolts' solution, which is why this one has lasted nearly ten years so far.

Woman on a Raft said...

That is known as "a piling system" and I can tell by the fact that the strata barely cover your toes that there will be no good fosilized mice or sandwiches in there yet, but I bet you've got several terms' worth of craftwork from the children.

What I can also tell, Holmes, is that you won't be able to get out of the room if you don't pull the desk away from that door - or have you barricaded yourself in deliberately?

Mark Wadsworth said...

WOAR, I like to refer to this system as 'archeological filing' - the oldest layers are at the bottom (barring an earthquake etc). The door is just a built in cupboard. The photo' was taken from the proper actual door.