Fresh from the most successful decade of regulating banks since time began, come this, from The Metro:
A spokesman for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said: "The Animal Welfare Act makes it an offence for an owner or keeper to fail to provide for their animal's welfare - this applies to circuses as to anyone else. In addition it is also an offence, under the Animal Welfare Act, to cause an animal any unnecessary suffering."
There's a rent-a-quote from the RSPCA in there, but it's difficult to tell whether the RSPCA is a fakecharity, as it is divided into 245 separate branches, each of which reports separately. The Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Branch seem to be funded by private donations.
Sunday Funnies...
32 minutes ago
I imagine RSOCA is a real charity, since the British have a soft spot for animals. People seem more willing to donate to animal charities than to those helping children, let alone to alcohol awareness or stop smoking ones.
TO be fair the RSPCA have been bonkers over this issue since time began, as too foxes, dear and badgers, which all need to be culled.
It's a shame they don't start regulating the clowns.
Many middle class, new labour, BBC types hate circuses. It's more than just about the animals, it's about wanting to act superior. Animals are one way in to destroying them.
You can also see this with things like how the BBC haven't had circuses/magic shows on in years.
The RSPCA is totally out of control. Take a look at and you will find a link to the Kiley Worthington report that the RSPCA funded and then tried to bury when the result didn't match their political agenda.
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