Hats off to I want a referendum for this storming result!*
To those 'weasel-like'** Lib Dems who say we should just have a straight 'In-or-out' referendum, applying Umbongo's impeccable logic, why not cut out the crap and have a three way referendum;
1. Ratify Lisbon Treaty and move to full integration into EU,
2. Not ratify Lisbon, leave things as they are, or
3. Leave the EU?
Obviously, people would be able to give a first and second preference, and if no option got a majority of first votes in the first count, then the option with least first votes would drop out and the second votes that attached to those would be re-allocated accordingly.
* Not just the outcome, which was expected, but getting the BBC to cover it.
** TM Nigel Farage MEP
What Were We Ever Worried About?
1 hour ago
Congrats to IWAR (whoever they are). This ballot must have cost a fortune. If only makevotescount had these resources and the backing of all the Tory press.
D'you mean the wicked Tory press, who have so successfully kept us out of the EU all these years? What match are they for the EU with the hundreds of billions that they have to spend on buying politicians?
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