Musicians who had a cameo rôle as a shop keeper in a major Hollywood film.
The two I'm thinking of were in a pawn shop and a weapons shop, perhaps there are more.
Starmer’s authoritarian instincts
1 hour ago
Musicians who had a cameo rôle as a shop keeper in a major Hollywood film.
The two I'm thinking of were in a pawn shop and a weapons shop, perhaps there are more.
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Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Henry Rollins as a... doctor.
And if you don't know the film, shame on you. Perhaps you could use SOMETHING TO HELP YOU REMEMBER??
I would guess you are thinking of
Ray Charles - Blue Brothers
Ian Drury - Judge Dredd
Shopkeepers , can't think of any more
but Chris Isaak played SWAT member in Silence of the Lambs
Does the pawn shop sell musical instruments - and boast an impressively direct way of tackling potential shoplifters?
*I want Room Service*! I want the club sandwich, I want the cold Mexican beer, I want a $10,000-a-night hooker! I want my shirts laundered... like they do... at the Imperial Hotel... in Tokyo.
PC, people complain when Keanu doesn't emote, then complain when he does. It's baffling.
Speaking of that movie, I just noticed something. The opening title scroll on Sky Movies says "It is the second decade of the new century. Age of terminal capitalism." This is incorrect as the film is set in 2021, ie. the THIRD decade of the century. However the DVD version seems to have an edited title scroll that just reads "New century. Age of terminal capitalism." That's the sort of thing I find fascinating.
There's Bo Diddley in Trading Places as the pawn shop owner.
What about Phil Collins as Buster Edwards in Buster? Does a flower stall count as a shop?
RA, no I don't know the film.
PC, I was thinking of Ian Dury. I'd forgotten Ray Charles.
McH, I dunno, just a normal shop, I think.
TS, yes, Bo Diddley was my other one. Have a bonus point for knowing that Buster had a flower stall but minus a point because that wasn't a "cameo role".
Pavlov's Cat and I were thinking along the same lines...
Mark, the film was Johnny Mnemonic. A 90s classic if ever there were one.
McH, you were, thanks.
RA, yes, I googled the quote, I've not seen that film and a doctor is not a shopkeeper. Lots of musicians have done cameos (Tom Waits and Joe Strummer in Candy Mountain, Keith Richards in Pirates of the Caribbean Part 3 or 4 etc etc) but they weren't shopkeepers.
Mos Def worked in the video store in Be Kind Rewind but this was quite an extended role.
Ricky Gervais in Stardust
DBC, you are sometimes unhappy with my marking, so decide for yourself whether that counts (I think it does).
Sh, Ricky Gervais is seen mainly as a comedian, not a musician, so no points for that.
This is very good of you, so, in that generous spirit, I disqualify myself because it is not a true cameo role.
Wouldn't Aretha Franklin count as well? She was in Blues Brothers as owner of the food place where the guitarist and saxophonist worked, and then again in Blues Brothers 2000 as owner of a car showroom.
TS, she certainly does count. How come PC and McH mentioned Ray Charles but not her?
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