What do readers think should happen to this blog, now that Mark has died? Suggestions as to what to do and, especially, how to do it, very welcome.
You've Got to Pick a Pocket or Two
1 hour ago
What do readers think should happen to this blog, now that Mark has died? Suggestions as to what to do and, especially, how to do it, very welcome.
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Add a couople of people as admins and preserve it.
Agree with Sackerson, it was a tragedy to lose Mark, let's not compound it and lose the blog as well.
Raedwald's blog is still online. Can Mark's just be left in the same way?
I think Google cancels after a long period of disuse, as with Captain Ranty's. If there is more than one owner/administrator it should be easier to keep it going; alternatively copy the lot somehow and reissue as a new blog. Does anyone e.g. Mark's widow have his password?
I'd like to see it preserved and kept going if possible...
I didn't know that Sackers! Some blogs seem ages old though, and I'll ask a daughter to carry mine on I think, after all, I now use it to remind myself what I got up to fifteen years ago, and have forgotten quite a lot of it...
Mark's work was legendary, so I guess that to keep it open, we could all pop a comment in from time to time!
Would that work?
@Scrobs: short answer, don't know, though I reemember seeing something from Google about dormant accounts. But as blog owner/admin you can add other admins and so give them equal status and so I guess the blog lasts as long as there is someone active who puts something on occasionally.
I think the blog needs to be preserved. There is a lot of very useful stuff on here - LVT, CO2 bollocks etc. - which is a good reference.
Thomas B Hall did mention that he would be getting the access credentials.
If so, and as one of the semi-regular posters, which I will continue - I'd like to keep it going, if not nearly so actively and intellectually rigorous as previously.
If semi-regular posters are prepared to keep it going then that seems to be the thing to do. If possible, it would be good to make the "GRAVITY AND THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT" list more prominent. Mark did a lot of work on that and it was always well worth reading.
Yeah, why shouldn't Bayard, Lola, The Stigler and Ben Jamin, et al keep it going!?
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